Hall Rental


Ever wonder about using the Meeting Hall for your event? The Meeting Hall is available for rent by individuals or organizations based on criteria designed to preserves the Meeting Hall and it’s surrounding grounds. The renter must be an Olivenhain resident and a member of the Olivenhain Town Council or sponsored by a member. The renter must agree to abide by the Meeting Hall rules and sign the Meeting Hall Rental Agreement

No commercial use is permitted, and fund raising events are permitted only if they benefit the Olivenhain Town Council. All requests for use of the Grounds or Hall by more than 100 people must be approved by the OTC Board of Directors.

View the CALENDAR of regularly scheduled meetings, but call or email for availability anyway.  Occasionally, a group will not need the Meeting Hall during a regularly scheduled time.  To reserve a date and time or for further information, please e-mail hallscheduling@olivenhain.org

Users fall into four categories, and the cost of renting the Meeting Hall varies with the category. All users must sign the rental agreement and provide proof of insurance.